ECALA allocates Alberta Government funding to organizations in Edmonton to provide literacy and foundational learning programs for adults. ECALA is recognized as a Granting Council by the Alberta Government under the Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) Policy.
ECALA has invested in community-based adult learning in Edmonton since 1998 based on its’ vision of a “community where everyone can learn and grow.” In 2018, ECALA’s investment grew to $2 million annually.
ECALA acknowledges that it operates and provides funding on our first people’s land which was originally named Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Beaver Hills House) and is now known as Edmonton.
Together with our Staff and Board of Directors, we acknowledge the First Peoples, our ancestors, the caregivers of Turtle Island.
*The office is open to the public by appointment only Monday to Thursday, please call our office at 780-415-5520 or email info@ecala.org to schedule an appointment.