ECALA Spring 2020 Community Conversation Part 2
June 19, 2020 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Date: June 19, 2020
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: The session will be delivered live online and a link will be sent one week prior to the session to those who have registered.
When participants from the 2019 ECALA Fall Conversation were asked how they would use the findings of the 2019 ECALA Needs Assessment, it was noted that uptake could be increased with additional support for evaluation professional development. As such, ECALA is contracting AndersonDraper Consulting Inc. to customize and deliver three half-day sessions focussed on evaluation. All sessions would build on knowledge gained after completing the Outcome, Measurement and Evaluation e-learning module on the CALP portal. CALP staff would learn how to develop a theory of change or logic model for their organization which links to the CALP logic model. Participants are encouraged to bring their existing organization or other program logic models to share and discuss with others and to inform the hands-on activities. CALP staff would learn the benefits of developing a culture of evaluation in their organization and participate in activities designed to get staff buy-in when they are asked to collect data.
This second session will focus on data collection, with an overview of survey design, focus group facilitation and interview guide development. Samples of forms included in the CALP e-learning will be shared. Some time will be spent providing an overview of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. CALP staff will participate in activities that show how to use the data for proposals, needs assessments, program review and strategic planning.
The third session on September 23 will focus on continuous improvement, report writing, sharing findings and knowledge mobilization. Each session is intended to build on the other but can be taken independently.