Fall Community Conversation
November 27, 2020 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Fall Community Conversation
Online: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, Friday, November 27
The fall community Conversation provides an opportunity for ECALA to facilitate the sharing of updates and network with grant recipients. The session will be of interest to staff in a leadership position or are responsible for managing the ECALA grant for their organization. The agenda for the morning includes a presentation on changes to the CALP 2020 Guidelines, a review of ECALA reporting forms and 2021-2022 ECALA Call for Proposals, and a sneak peek at the new ECALA members portal, which will be used by grant recipients to enter needs assessment information. Time is built into the session to discuss agenda items and ask questions.
This meeting is for ECALA grant recipients only.