Literacy and Parenting Skills (LAPS)
September 13, 2021 - June 30, 2022
This program provides learning opportunities that strengthen skills for learning relating to parents with young children. Through active engagement in the learning opportunity, learners identify their own goals recognizing themselves as the learner. Learners contribute valuable knowledge and skills which was previously acquired linking it to new learning. Learners take risks in their learning by practising content that supports their goals allowing them to build confidence in themselves and their skills by collaborating with others in a positive learning environment. Overall, learners will advance their skills in learning by developing skills they can use in their everyday lives including verbal and non-verbal communication along with other skills presented in the opportunity.
This program provides the opportunity to strengthen the parent-child relationship. Learners will receive coaching and modelling during the session that will increase their confidence. Learning will continue when they use the skills developed through attending the program to work through parenting challenges. Program activities support literacy skill development in both the learner as an individual and the first and most important teacher for their child. In addition, digital skills that promote the inclusion of new ways of thinking and accessing services for themselves and their families are part of the program activities.