Teaching Strategies for a Multi-Level English as Another Language Classroom
April 14 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Teaching Strategies for a Multi-Level English as Another Language Classroom
Date: Monday, April 14, 2025
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Where: Virtual, Zoom
Registration: Click here
Facilitator: Emily Albertsen
Many English as Another Language (EAL) instructors in Canada teach multiple levels in the same class. It can be challenging to meet the diverse needs of multi-level learners. In this virtual, interactive presentation, we will explore strategies for effective teaching in a multi-level classroom while maintaining your sanity as an instructor. We will discuss:
- Diverse learning needs: reading, writing, listening, speaking, learning styles, literacy needs
- How to manage: planning and tracking
- How to make your life a little easier: strategies for differentiating learning with the same lesson plan
- Working together: teaching strategies and learning activities for cross-level groupings
- Working separately: teaching strategies and learning activities for same-level groupings
- Supporting outliers: learners who need extra help or extra challenge
- Advocacy: supporting instructors so that we can support learners
The presentation will focus on teaching and will give practical, immediate strategies for working in multi-level classes. There will be time for discussion and questions.